App Under Construction

We are currently developing a user-friendly application to simplify interactions with our smart contracts. In the meantime, you can manually interact with our smart contracts using a blockchain explorer, as detailed in the following instructions.

How to Manually Interact with Our Smart Contracts Using a Blockchain Explorer

Follow the steps below to interact manually with our smart contracts:

  1. Choose a Blockchain Explorer: Depending on the blockchain where your assets are located, open the corresponding blockchain explorer. Examples include for Ethereum, BscScan for Binance Smart Chain, Snowtrace for Avalanche, and others.

  2. Search for the Smart Contract: You can find the address of our smart contract in the blockchain explorer's search bar. Alternatively, visit our Address List page for a direct link to the smart contract on the chosen blockchain explorer.

  3. Interact with the Contract: Once you're on the smart contract's page, click on the 'Contract' tab and then the 'Write Contract' button. At this point, you'll need to connect your digital wallet, such as MetaMask, to interact with the contract.

  4. Execute a Contract Function: Choose the function you want to interact with from the contract. After selecting the function, input the necessary parameters in the fields provided:

    • To Wrap a Stablecoin:

      1. First, you need to authorize our contract to spend your stablecoins. Follow the above steps and choose the approve() function of the stablecoin's contract. In the spender field, input the address of our wrapped token contract. In the amount field, input the amount of stablecoins you want to wrap, using the corresponding decimal places of the stablecoin (for instance, USDT and USDC use 6 decimal places). Confirm the transaction.
      2. After approval, return to our smart contract. Choose the deposit() function. In the amount field, input the same amount of the stablecoin you just approved. Remember to use 18 decimal places this time. For example, to wrap 1 token, input '1000000000000000000'.
    • To Unwrap a Stablecoin: Choose the withdraw() function. In the amount field, input the amount of the stablecoin you want to unwrap, again using 18 decimal places.
  5. Confirm the Transaction: Finally, you'll need to confirm the transaction from your digital wallet, pay the necessary gas fees, and then wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain.

Remember, gas fees vary based on network congestion. Ensure you have sufficient cryptocurrency in your wallet to cover these fees. Always double-check all details before confirming a transaction as blockchain transactions are irreversible. Stay safe while interacting with smart contracts and only interact with contracts from sources you trust.